Welcome to the Maiden Erlegh Chemistry Wiki.
The site is designed to allow students to help each other with questions and problems concerning chemistry, at both AS and A2. Feel free to post questions and answers, and if you get really stuck, I will step in and give advice.
Dr Bowker
Until the ME space is functioning, this is the site from which you can download the course materials. Follow the links and lesson powerpoints and homework sheets can be found as attachments.
Equilibrium Problems
Equilibrium Holiday Work
As promised, the solutions to the holiday work are now available. If you have been having a rest/on holiday/glued to the Olympics now is the time to get down to some work. Don't be tempted to look at the solutions before trying the problems. I have not included the examples as those are pretty straightforward.
Any problems? post a question on the forum, phone a friend or e-mail me.
Equilibrium Holiday work solutions
Organic Summaries
see new pages added in "Other Discussion Points" for information